Monday, September 29, 2008

Yesus Tuhan dan Rajaku

Hi, Jim here. This is the first malay song I wrote. How it came about? I was listening to some malay songs and thought of writing a christian song in malay. From then, the melody and words just came along as I go. Here it is. Don't worry. There's translation to it.

Yesus Tuhan dan Rajaku
by Jim Wu
Yesus Tuhan Rajaku ( Jesus, my Lord and King)
Ku hendak jadi sepertiMu (I just want to be like you)
Pengasih serta penyayang (a lover , a carer)
s'bab Engkau hidupku tak kuseorang (because of you, I'm not alone)
walauku gementar, ku kan tetap pegang padaMu
(though I'm afraid, I will continue to hold on to you)
hidupku tak biasa, kerna adanya Engkau di hatiku
( my life is not the same because I have you in my heart)
Yesus Tuhanku (Jesus my Lord)
serta Rajaku ( and my King)
Walau di tahtaMu (though you are at your throne)
tapi Kau tetap di sisiku ( but you are always by my side)
Penyelamatku (my saviour)
dan penebusku (my redeemer)
tiada lain yang sepertiMu, (there is non like you)
dalam hidupku hanya adaMu ( there's only you in my life)
Yesus Tuhan Rajaku (Jesus, my Lord and King)
Biar ombak bergelora ( the the oceans roar)
dan ribut hujan melanda (and the storms fall)
ku kan tetap berteguh dalamMu ( I will be strong in you)
walau hidupku berpayah (though my life isn't easy)
dan s'luruhku rasa lemah ( and the whole of me feels weak)
ku kan masih mengaku ( I will still confess)
kamu Tuhan Rajaku (You are my Lord and King)
This song basically talks about myself. When I'm going through tough times, it's God that I will trust. When I'm feeling weak, it's God that I draw strength from. When things don't go well, it's still God that I give thanks. On the whole, it's God that I want to be close with because when I'm close to Him, I shall not fear . Joshua 1: 9 " ...Do not be discouraged, do not be terrified. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. " Amen.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Kayak...paddle paddle paddle

Hi. Hammy here. It seems that Jim and his friends went kayaking and excluded me. Why? The reason is that he is scared that I might most probably fall into the water and get eaten by sharks. I think he lied to me but, oh well. I can swim ok. Anyway, here is what he has to say:

Hi everyone. Jim here. No, the reason why I don't want to bring Hammy along is for his own safety. See, so caring I am. Anyway, I went kayaking the recent Tuesday. I had my study break . The whole kayaking trip cost me $125 per person. There were around 22 of us, i think... It was quite worth it though. What is included? A tour around Penguin Island by a few guides. It was at Rockingham. 45 minutes down south. Then, there's lunch, kayaking and some more kayaking. Tired but still worth it. Here are the pictures and I let them do the talking for me. By the way, I took all these pictures with my not so good camera hehe. Hope you don't mind. Oh ya, I ain't that a photographer too.

This is what it looked like once we arrived. Beach, sea water, birds, sand, and more beach.

Leo just can't wait to get into the sea. See how unhappy he is. Make him happy people!!! hurry!!

All happy and excited to get out of the van and go kayaking. People, faster, please, out of the van...?!!

Apparently, there's a terrorist among us. "Silence, I'll kill you...!!"

Oh my, who's this dude? J to the I to the M.

For some reason, people just don't want to get out of the van. Hey, move it. Faster, get out!!

After much persuasion, Leonel eventually came out of the van, feeling so excited, happy and gay. Yeh!!

One of our guides untying the kayaks.

This guy says "....Hey, guide, would you please hurry up with our kayaks? We don't have all day you know.."

The threesomes!!! Yeh, time to kayak!!

I was walking down the beach and came across these thingys. At first , I thought that it was for the turtles to "park" and to lay eggs. What imagination that I have but I doubt that it is for that.

Me, on the beach. Yeh!!

Another view of the beach. Beautiful ain't it?

The guys... the mans...!!HAHA

Paying close attention to something.

Spider Johnson and Shawn.

Emperor Wu with his loyal subjects. One that serves him very well, another that drinks all the time, and another that just likes to hide and give surprises.

Mike and his steps taken.

"Cavemen, surrounding a "fire".

This is called bush food. Apparently, it can be eaten. The guide took it and ate it. Then, I was the next one to try it. I did. Guess what it taste like? Salty salad. Very very salty salad.

Mummy bird and her babies.

I call this, "The return". Emo guys. Who are they ...?

White caps...yeh!!

You have stairway to heaven. This is stairway to the beach....

Our kayaks. Birds, get away. Shoo!!!

Toilets. They are environmentally friendly. Cause, whatever you discard in here, they will store it for 3 years, and after that, use for fertilisers i think.

Penguins. Hai!!!

I'm fat and chubby. Don't pinch me k.

Me acting cute. You likey?

Following the leader, the leader the leader.....Food is this way. Come and follow me.

What's your name? I'm penguinee. What's yours?

After seeing her feeding the penguins, it's our turn to be fed. Hooray!! nice food.

Two penguins. A black and a white one. They are apparently trying to mate. hahaha.

These two also wanted to do the same but I don't encourage so.

Look at this macho man.

Taking a nap.

After all that, we kayaked back to our starting point after kayaking one big circle around the island.

A singh and a japanese?

Look at them. Just finished everything and they are already checking to see whether their BF msged them or not.

The end. Bye bye.