Monday, September 29, 2008

Yesus Tuhan dan Rajaku

Hi, Jim here. This is the first malay song I wrote. How it came about? I was listening to some malay songs and thought of writing a christian song in malay. From then, the melody and words just came along as I go. Here it is. Don't worry. There's translation to it.

Yesus Tuhan dan Rajaku
by Jim Wu
Yesus Tuhan Rajaku ( Jesus, my Lord and King)
Ku hendak jadi sepertiMu (I just want to be like you)
Pengasih serta penyayang (a lover , a carer)
s'bab Engkau hidupku tak kuseorang (because of you, I'm not alone)
walauku gementar, ku kan tetap pegang padaMu
(though I'm afraid, I will continue to hold on to you)
hidupku tak biasa, kerna adanya Engkau di hatiku
( my life is not the same because I have you in my heart)
Yesus Tuhanku (Jesus my Lord)
serta Rajaku ( and my King)
Walau di tahtaMu (though you are at your throne)
tapi Kau tetap di sisiku ( but you are always by my side)
Penyelamatku (my saviour)
dan penebusku (my redeemer)
tiada lain yang sepertiMu, (there is non like you)
dalam hidupku hanya adaMu ( there's only you in my life)
Yesus Tuhan Rajaku (Jesus, my Lord and King)
Biar ombak bergelora ( the the oceans roar)
dan ribut hujan melanda (and the storms fall)
ku kan tetap berteguh dalamMu ( I will be strong in you)
walau hidupku berpayah (though my life isn't easy)
dan s'luruhku rasa lemah ( and the whole of me feels weak)
ku kan masih mengaku ( I will still confess)
kamu Tuhan Rajaku (You are my Lord and King)
This song basically talks about myself. When I'm going through tough times, it's God that I will trust. When I'm feeling weak, it's God that I draw strength from. When things don't go well, it's still God that I give thanks. On the whole, it's God that I want to be close with because when I'm close to Him, I shall not fear . Joshua 1: 9 " ...Do not be discouraged, do not be terrified. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. " Amen.

1 comment:

jasonleecj said...

Hey!! record the song and post it up yeah, wanna listen to it..