Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year resolution!

Hey hey, Jim here. Just want to share with all of you of my new year resolution for 2009. Here goes.
Well, at the end of 2008, I asked God what will my 2009 resolution be? God had been having new year resolutions for me ever since 2007. In 2007, it was the 3 'P's I call it. It was peace, patience and perseverence. God had though me loads about those 3 'P's. I can say, I gone through a lot of things , hard ones, to learn those 3 'P's. Then, 2008 came and I asked God, what will it be this time? God told me "love your neighbour as yourself". I confess, as easy as it sounds, it was easy when you want to do it. I do not wish to talk about the details, but loving and forgiving someone that had hurt you so so badly ain't easy. Did Jesus hate sinners? No, He loved them. He loved you and me, sinners. So, 2009 came, which is today, and what will it be this time?
Before I go on ay further, just want to say some things about the previous two resolutions. Although the year had gone by and had passed, it doesn't mean that I had graduated from it, but, had achieved a certain level in those two. No one is perfect I can say. There's still plenty of room to improve and to grow.
So, for 2009, it is "to glorify God in everything that I do". Oh yes, it's very bold indeed. I can say, it sounds very big. I was doing my devotion today and it talks about spiritual maturity. Yesterday, God hinted to me about spiritual maturity too. In my devotion today, it talks about surrendering to God's will no matter what happens. Sometimes, things just don't go our way but hey, God is bigger and He knows better. That's spiritual maturity. Another is having Christlikeness in us. It's not about "what would Jesus do", also known as the famous "WWJD". Spiritual maturity is not just merely that, but who and what Jesus care about. The phrase that is still stuck in my head is this, and probably the take home message of this post. People will not care how much you know, until you show them how much you care. Got that? It's true. You talk but don't do, it's meaningless. It's also mentioned in the bible. You can say to the poor "God bless you, go in peace! ", yet nothing happen. Isn't it better if you help them by giving them?


2009 demands more of me this time. A lot of things that I will go through, and there will be many times where I have to step out of my comfort zone for Christ sake. I feel that 2006-2008 was the years that God input me with a lot of things. This year, I think He will still teach me, but this year, it will be more of putting me to the test. In other words, applying what I had learnt. How do I feel? Scared and nervous but, all I know is that, I can trust God in this. I had done that before, and I know that I can always do that.


Well, that's all for now. It will be a great year I believe. God bless!!

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